Mature Student
It’s never too late to follow your dreams.
Feeling you might be, “too old” to attend college? Think again! College of the Rockies fully embraces lifelong learners – you may be surprised to learn that the average age of our students is 28.
We understand that returning to school may leave you feeling unsure – you may worry that you are not as “computer literate” as some of our younger students, or perhaps you’re wondering how to balance work, family and pursuing an education.
When you are ready to take the next step, we encourage you to speak with an education advisor who can assist with creating a learning plan designed specifically for you.
Learn more about our wide variety of programs.
College Viewbook
Scroll through the digital version of our 2024-2025 program offerings. Think. Do. Become.
Education Advisors
Connect with an Ed Advisor to explore your options.
Campus Tour
Register for a personalized guided tour of the Cranbrook campus.

Academic Upgrading
Brush up on some courses or work towards your high school diploma.

Financial Aid
Financial aid, scholarship & bursary, and Former Youth in Care information.

Dual Admission
Transition from the College to University of Lethbridge.

Transfer Information
Transfer between College programs or to other institutions.

Student For a Day
Experience a day in the life of a College of the Rockies student.

Guaranteed Admission
Qualified College of the Rockies students are able to access guaranteed admission and course transfers to University of Victoria.