Tourism Management
With over 1 billion global travellers there’s a world of career opportunities!
The people who work in this industry are skilled professionals that shape the visitor experience through product development, activity planning, destination development, and smart business practices. The Rocky Mountains are part of our daily living and this region is a top rural and mountain destination, not to mention a Biosphere Certified Destination. The Tourism Management program prepares you for a career in resorts, hotels, and other aligned tourism operations with a focus on the sustainability of people, places, and planet.
You will find our classrooms as international as the industry, we welcome over 30 countries to our programs which is an advantage as you learn about the impact of this industry on everything from small communities such as Cranbrook to larger more well-known destinations such as Paris or Singapore! Your academic courses, along with a practical work experience and specialty courses, means you graduate with both academic and professional experience.
A few specialty courses that should pique your interest are:
- Tourism & Hospitality: A Global Industry
- Culinary Explorations 1
- Contemporary Topics in Tourism & Hospitality
- Destination Management
Loving what you’re learning? The diploma ladders directly into Year 3 of the Bachelor of Business Administration in Sustainable Business Practices degree program which has additional flexibility of part-time, full-time, face to face, or online. At this level you work on industry projects, conduct research, and deepen your knowledge of sustainability practices desired of businesses.
Program Overview
Note: Program and course information are effective for the academic year starting September 2025.
Program Details
- This program starts in September 2025 and is designed as a full-time, on-site, two-year program.
- Courses have been designed through industry engagement and provide a breadth of knowledge that will allow students to be prepared for management-level and customer-facing roles in the tourism industry.
- Program includes a mandatory Co-op Work Term, providing hands-on experience in the local tourism industry.
- Courses focus on sustainability within the industry and destination development, focusing a lens on mountainous and rural environments.
Tourism Diploma Program Structure:
Year 1 Semester 1
Course | Title | Credits |
TOUR111 | Introduction to Tourism | 3 |
HOSP132 | Culinary Explorations 1 | 3 |
GEOG210 | Geography of British Columbia | 3 |
COMC 101 or ENGL 100 | COMC 101 Technical and Professional Writing or ENGL 100 English Composition. Note: ENGL 100 may be required for degree-seeking students. | 3 |
COMP 153 or COMP 154 | Introduction to Data Processing or Computer Applications in Business | 3 |
Note: Degree-seeking students (i.e. BBA) should take ENGL 100 and COMP 154.
Year 1 Semester 2
Course | Title | Credits |
TOUR180 | Contemporary Topics in Tourism & Hospitality | 3 |
MKTG281 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
COMC103 | Presentation and Public Speaking | 3 |
ACCT263 or ACCT261 | Financial Accounting for Tourism Majors or Introductory Financial Accounting 1 | 3 |
COOP145 | Co-op Career Preparation | 3 |
Note: Degree-seeking students (i.e. BBA) should take ACCT261.
Summer Semester
Course | Title | Credits |
COOP150 | Industry Work (Co-op Work Experience) | 3 |
Year 2 Semester 1
Course | Title | Credits |
RECR220 | Event Management | 3 |
TOUR237 | Sustainable Tourism | 3 |
MGMT216 | Organizational Behaviour | 3 |
MKTG291 | Professional Selling | 3 |
MGMT204 | Principles of Management | 3 |
Year 2 Winter Semester
Course | Title | Credits |
COMC253 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
MGMT316 | Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management | 3 |
TOUR238 | Destination Management | 3 |
TOUR240 | Risk Management and Liability in Tourism and Recreation | 3 |
View official program outline effective September 2025
View official program outline effective September 2024
Course Descriptions
Note: HOSP132, TOUR180, and COMC103 are courses in final development. Course descriptions will be available in early 2025.
TOUR-111 – Introduction to Tourism
This course is an introduction to the tourism industry. Students are introduced to the history, guest motivations, vocabulary, destination planning, and the sectors that make up this dynamic industry. Students will explore role of the industry in the economy along with social, environmental, and cultural impacts. Throughout the course students will learn about the career opportunities available and the skills required to meet the demands of today’s travellers.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: None.
- Delivery Method: ? Blended, On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
GEOG-210 – Geography of British Columbia
This course presents a regional geographic analysis of British Columbia and investigates the physical, cultural, economic, and historical characteristics of the various provincial regions. This course also examines patterns of settlement and development, with particular emphasis on industries of importance to the Columbia Basin region, including forestry, mining, and tourism.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
MKTG-281 – Principles of Marketing
This course defines and examines the marketing process as it applies to marketing products and services in public, private and not-for-profit organizations. Students gain insight into the complex and interdependent variables involved in developing successful marketing strategies. Through case studies, online discussion, simulation, and in class activities, students will plan a marketing strategy for a specific target audience taking into consideration current trends in product mix, communications, and technology.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Either English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
COMC-101 – Technical and Professional Writing
In this introductory course, students develop practical writing skills for the workplace. Activities centre on effective writing styles and offer detailed guidelines on planning, organizing, composing and revising documents for a range of communication tasks. This course reviews some grammar essentials and leads students to be resourceful and successful communicators in traditional and virtual correspondence.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ENGL-100 – English Composition
English 100 focuses on composition strategies for writing across academic disciplines. Over the course of the term, students will develop an awareness of how rhetorical situations affect composition and refine their understanding of the fundamentals of essay writing (and clear communication more broadly), including paragraphing, thesis statements, essay structure, and citation methods. Students will also learn the fundamentals of critical thinking and analysis, persuasive writing techniques (including rhetorical appeals and modes), scholarly research, and academic reading.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? Blended, On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
COMP-153 – Introduction To Data Processing
This course allows students to develop knowledge and skills in the field of information technology. Students will explore the operation and application of professional productivity software. Students use four applications of the Microsoft Office 2019 suite: Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. The theory component develops a broad and general understanding of current computer technology, methods and models.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 60 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
COMP-154 – Computer Applications in Business
This course examines information systems theory and utilizes computer technology. Students will explore the application of technology in organizations. Students will investigate information systems, evaluate organizational needs, and develop effective solutions. Security, legal and ethical issues will be examined along with characteristics of professional administration. Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook, will be utilized to create effective business artifacts and fulfill organizational needs.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 75 hours
- Prerequisites: Familiarity with Microsoft Office and basic computing skills, or COMP 153 are recommended.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
ACCT-263 – Financial Accounting for Tourism Majors
This course is designed to teach non-accounting majors to understand the accounting records of a small business and/or to give them the opportunity to use an accounting software program. Concepts, terminology and principles are introduced at a basic level. Topics include revenue and expense recognition, cash vs. accrual accounting, the accounting cycle and analysis of financial statements and other financial information.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent .Recommended: Minimum 60% in either MATH 080, MATH 082, Foundations 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Essentials 11, Applications 11, Principles 11, Computer Science 11, Computer Science 12, Foundations of Math 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Geometry 12, Statistics 12, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ACCT-261 – Introductory Financial Accounting 1
This course introduces students to the basic accounting cycle including preparation of useful financial statements. Students will analyze and record business transactions, create financial statements, and journal entries. Other topics include accounting for cash, receivables, inventory, and payroll.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Either English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent. Minimum 60% in either MATH 080, MATH 082, Workplace Mathematics 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Apprenticeship Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12, Computer Science 11, Computer Science 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Statistics 12, Geometry 12, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
MGMT-216 – Organizational Behaviour
In this course students can discover and apply concepts to both explain and influence how people and their organizations work. Specific topics include motivation, perception, personality, emotions, communication, team dynamics, decision making, conflict and negotiation, power and organizational politics, leadership, organizational change and development, organization, and culture.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
MGMT-204 – Principles of Management
This course provides an overview of management. It covers theory, process and practice of the four fundamental management skills: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling, as well as the role of managers in organizations.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
COOP-150 – Co-op Work Experience
The co-op work experience provides students the opportunity to put theory into practice to further develop employability competencies and enforce the practices and skills gained during classroom studies. Furthermore, this course connects the student with industry practitioners, building employment networks and establishing the foundations of the student’s employment history. An effective workplace environment supports students in developing skills which are essential to their future success.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 500 hours
- Prerequisites: Completed at least 1 of the following: COOP100 – Workplace Readiness for Co-op Experience OR COOP145 – Career Preparation for Co-op Work Term
- Delivery Method: ? Off-site
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
RECR-220 – Event Management
This course explores and develops ideas and concepts utilizing a linear or cyclical planning model, and focuses on the details required when planning an event. Emphasis is placed on the planning of events with research into selecting the appropriate event, establishing goals and objectives, event themes, site selection, task and responsibility checklists, organizational committee structures, risk management strategies, budgeting and finance, sponsorship opportunities, marketing and promotion, event evaluation and event administration.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- (55%) in MKTG 281; and a minimum grade of C- (55%) in either ENGL 100, COMC 110 or COMC 101.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
TOUR-237 – Sustainable Tourism
This course examines the relationship between tourism and the economy, the environment and society. It introduces the concept of environmental stewardship and sustainable tourism, best practices in these areas, and management strategies to maximize benefits and minimize impacts to ecosystems, communities and visitors. Students will identify and analyze tourism impacts (both positive and negative) and explore how tourism relates to stewardship, sustainability approaches, planning, and various strategies to maximize the benefits and minimize the impacts to ecosystems, communities and visitors.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- (55%) in ENGL 100 or COMC 101; and in TOUR 111
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
MKTG-291 – Professional Selling
This course exposes students to the intricate components of the professional selling function. Students get the opportunity to explore the significance of selling in marketing and its contribution to organizational success. Topics include prospecting clients, following leads, selling dialogue, communication skills, leveraging on unique selling points to deliver earnings commitment, and the benefits of maintaining customer relationship.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- (55%) in COMC 102, and a minimum grade of C- (55%) in MGMT 303.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
COMC-253 – Intercultural Communication
This course examines the complex dynamics of intercultural communication and the inherent relationship between culture, language, and communication. Students will explore the theoretical foundations, practical applications, and real-world implications of effectively navigating diverse cultural contexts. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and interactive workshops, students will develop a nuanced understanding of the cultural, linguistic, and nonverbal factors that shape successful cross-cultural interactions.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: ENGL 100 or COMC 101 or equivalent with instructor permission.
- Delivery Method: ? Blended, On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
MGMT-316 – Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
This course involves the planning, operating, and decision-making processes of being an entrepreneur. Students will apply theoretical concepts, hone practical skills, and gain insights into the dynamics of real-world business using discussion-based scenarios, simulations, presentations, and writing business documents. A formal business plan is the culmination of this course and engages student teams in the operation of a simulated small business that further develops their research, analytical, written, presentation, and decision-making skills.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- (55%) in ACCT 261 or ACCT 263; A minimum grade of C- (55%) or currently enrolled in MKTG 281
- Delivery Method: ? Blended, On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
TOUR-240 – Risk Management and Liability in Tourism and Recreation
This course will familiarize students with concepts of risk management and legal liability as they apply to the business of tourism and recreation. The course introduces students to Canadian Law and liability issues that may arise for tourism industry professionals and other businesses. Students will also learn about ways to minimize risk and liability.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- (55%) in ENGL 100 or in COMC 101; and in TOUR 111 or in RECR 100.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
Admission Requirements
Tuition and Fees for Domestic Students
For the 2025/26 academic year (2025/SU, 2025/FA, 2026/WI, 2026/SP)
Year 1
Application Fee: | $30.00 |
Tuition: | $4,098.27 |
Lab Fee: | $170.76 |
Student Association Fee: | $80.50 |
Bus Pass Fee: | $133.20 |
Health and Dental Fee: | $240.00 |
Year 2
Tuition: | $3,353.13 |
Student Association Fee: | $69.00 |
Bus Pass Fee: | $88.80 |
Health and Dental Fee: | $240.00 |
*Tuition and Fees for domestic students are estimates and are subject to change. Depending on course electives there may be additional lab fees. Tuition and Fees do not include textbook costs or supplies. Tuition fees include student technology fees, student activity fees, and alumni fees. For more information, visit: Tuition and Fees.
Tuition and Fees for International Students
For the 2025/26 academic year (2025/SU, 2025/FA, 2026/WI, 2026/SP)
Year 1
International Application Fee: | $100.00 |
One-time International Education Fee: | $100.00 |
Tuition: | $17,974.77 |
Lab Fee: | $170.76 |
Student Association Fee: | $80.50 |
Bus Pass Fee: | $133.20 |
Health and Dental Fee: | $240.00 | Insurance: | $270.00 |
Year 2
Tuition: | $14,706.63 |
Student Association Fee: | $69.00 |
Bus Pass Fee: | $88.80 |
Health and Dental Fee: | $240.00 |
*Tuition and Fees for international students are estimates and are subject to change. Depending on course electives there may be additional lab fees. Tuition and Fees do not include textbook and supplies. Tuition fees include student technology fees, student activity fees, and alumni fees. For more information, visit: Tuition and Fees.
Refer to: International Education Fees Schedule for 2026/27 tuition.
Career Info and Pathways
Why choose tourism as a career?
- Tourism is a top Canadian industry – 20 million travellers annually choose Canada.
- Learn more about Tourism HR Resources for Employers and Job Seekers in the Kootenay Rockies from go2HR
- Learn more about our recent Certification as a Biosphere Destination
BC Tourism & Hospitality offers more than 400 Occupations! Check them out.
Graduating with the Tourism Management Diploma sets you up for roles that require supervisory and leadership skills in areas including:
- Front Office – hotels and resorts
- Catering and Banquets
- Housekeeping
- Visitor Services/Destination Management
- Tourism Sales & Marketing
- Special Events
- Small Business Entrepreneur
If Tourism is where you’d like to build your career then give yourself the best advantage; complete the Bachelor of Business Administration in Sustainable Business Practices program at College of the Rockies.
Tourism Management Diploma – Block Transfer Agreements
To Institution | Program | |
College of the Rockies | Bachelor of Business Administration – Tourism Management Diploma | Transfer Planning Form |
ACADIA University | Bachelor of Community Development (BCD) Note: Students who have completed the diploma may apply for advanced standing directly into the third year of the BCD if they meet AU’s entrance criteria and have obtained a minimum AU’s GPA of 3.0 (B or 70%), COTR GPA of 5 (B- or 50%)with no course completed with a grade lower than a C (for general enrollment). | Transfer Agreement |
Capilano University | Bachelor of Tourism Management Note: Please refer to transfer agreement for program requirements. | Transfer Agreement |
Royal Roads University | Bachelor of Arts in Global Tourism Management Note: Requires individual assessment. In addition student must successfully complete this program with a minimum “B” (3.00/4.33) GPA. | Transfer Agreement |
Royal Roads University | Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel Management Note: Requires individual assessment. In addition student must successfully complete this program with a minimum “B” (3.00/4.33) GPA. | Transfer Agreement |
University of Northern British Columbia | Bachelor of Arts – Nature Based Tourism Management Note: Requires B- or 2.67 GPA for admission. For additional information about this transfer visit BC Transfer Guide website | |
Vancouver Island University | Bachelor of Tourism Management Note: Students are required to have a minimum C+ average and a minimum C grade in individual courses. | Transfer Agreement |
The Kootenay Region and our Partnerships
We know that not everyone knows how special this place is and how studying in this region sets you apart. Our Industry Advisory Committee are members of our community who connect with us to support ongoing improvement in curriculum, networking opportunities, and projects.
Take a moment here to familiarize yourself with where we are and who we work with:
- Cranbrook Tourism
- Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort
- St. Eugene Golf Resort & Casino
- Kootenay Rockies Tourism
- CMH Heli Skiing
- Cranbrook International Airport YXC
- Cranbrook History Centre
Meet Your Instructors
Love Life, Love Work in the Kootenay Rockies
Program Details
Delivery Method:?
On-campus, Off-site
Business, Finance & Accounting, Tourism, Recreation & Hospitality
Adventure, Not Have a Desk Job, Start or Run Your Own Business, Teach Others, Work Outdoors, Work With My Hands
Contact Details
2700 College Way,
Box 8500, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 5L7
Phone: 250-489-2751
Toll-free: 1-877-489-2687