Associate of Science – Environmental Science
Do you have a passion for the outdoors and the environment? Do you want to make mountain tops, forests, fields, and water ways your future workplace? The Associate of Science Environmental Science degree enables you to build out the first two years of a bachelor’s degree that meet your interests and education goals.
You’ll dig into those questions, literally and figuratively, learning how to gather data, interpret it, and recommend ways to implement results that make the world a better place. Now that’s a breath we can all like to take!
Don’t stop there though, many students choose to continue their studies by pursuing a 4-year Bachelor of Science degree through one of our partner institutions or a Business Administration in Sustainable Business Practices (BBA) right here at College of the Rockies.
Program Overview
Have plans to go to university? Courses in the ASc in Environmental Science program have been selected for transfer to degree programs at other institutions, including the Environmental Science BSc programs at University of Lethbridge, Simon Fraser University (Applied Biology or Environmental Earth Systems concentration), and University of Northern BC.
Why consider an Associate of Science Environmental Studies Degree?
- Provides a great starting point for your further education and opens up endless education and career opportunities.
- Explore a wide-range of courses to discover your specific areas of interest.
- Numerous transfer and dual admission agreements make it easy to start your education at the College before moving on to complete a credential elsewhere.
- The Associate of Science degree in Environmental Science provides the student with the first two years of study towards a Bachelor of Science degree. This program offers cross-disciplinary studies in areas that relate to the local and global environment.
Program Planning
Our Education Advisors are available to help you plan your Associate degree course list – and to plan for transferring credits to university to complete your degree. Additional sources include:
Associate of Science – Environmental Science Program Planning Guide
Course Descriptions
ANTH-101 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
This course involves an in-depth exploration of the concept of culture and the cross-cultural study of human diversity within the discipline of anthropology. Students focus on topics such as anthropological research, ethics, culture, worldview, gender, language, marriage, families and households, Indigenous peoples, religion and globalization. Students also engage in self-reflexive examination of their own worldviews, perceptions and biases in relation to other peoples and cultures.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
BIOL-101 – Introduction to Biology 1
This course is an introduction to the structure and function of organisms with particular reference to molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of the living world. Designed for students seeking a degree or diploma in a field of science or technology, BIOL 101, with BIOL 102, lays the foundations on which the higher-level courses in Biology are based.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: Either ATPH 12 – Anatomy and Physiology 12, BIOL090 – Biology – Provincial Level (Human Biology), or LFSC 11 – Life Sciences 11. Chemistry 12 is highly recommended.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
BIOL-102 – Introduction to Biology 2
BIOL 102 is an introduction to organismic and population biology with emphasis on reproduction, genetics, developmental biology, evolution, diversity and ecology.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: BIOL 101
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
BIOL-200 – Introduction to Microbiology
This course includes the topics: vector operations, dot and scalar products, conditions for equilibrium in two- and three-dimensions, free body diagrams, moments about an axis, couples, friction, wedges, screws, trusses, methods of joints, method of sections, shear and moment equations and diagrams, relations between distributed load, shear, and moment, kinematics, rectilinear and curvilinear motion in rectangular, normal, tangential, and cylindrical components, dynamics, Newton’s second law, equations of motion in various coordinates, Zeroth law and heat capacity, first law of thermodynamics, heat engines.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: BIOL 101 Corequisites: BIOL 102, if not taken previously
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
BIOL-203 – Genetics
Genetics is the study and understanding of inheritance and development of organisms. This course will provide an introduction to genes and gene function. Mendelian and extra-mendelian genetics and molecular genetics review and expand on these topics as explored in first year biology. Topics in transmission, molecular and quantitative genetics will also be discussed. Lab material will include descriptive aspects, techniques, data analysis and experimentation.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: BIOL 102
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
BIOL-204 – Introduction to Ecology
This course studies the interactions between organisms and their environment at the organismal, population, community, and ecosystem levels. Topics considered include energy flow, nutrient cycling, organismal ecology, population growth, regulation and dynamics, species interactions, community structure, ecological succession, biodiversity, conservation, and evolutionary processes. Lab activities support lecture material allowing students to apply ecological concepts and theories by testing
ecological hypotheses. Students gain local natural history knowledge and employ various quantitative methods to collect, analyze, and interpret ecological data from field studies and experiments.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and BIOL 102.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
BIOL-208 – Vertebrate Biology
This course covers the evolution and comparative anatomy of cephalochordates, urochordates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The comparative anatomy of major organ systems among fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals will be studied in the lab via dissection of representative organisms. The lab will emphasize the relationship between structure and function of vertebrate organisms while the lecture will focus on current controversies and discoveries in the scientific study of vertebrate evolution.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and BIOL 102
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
CHEM-101 – Fundamentals of Chemistry 1
This course presents the fundamental principles of chemistry with particular reference to acid-base and redox chemistry, electronic structure of atoms and molecules, properties of liquids, gases, solids and their solutions, phase changes, and thermochemistry. The associated laboratory exercises emphasize proper experimental techniques, data collection and analysis, safety and technical writing skills.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: Either Chemistry 12, CHEM 090, CHEM 100, or equivalent. Either Math 090, Pre-Calculus 12, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
CHEM-102 – Fundamentals of Chemistry 2
Together with CHEM 101, CHEM 102 provides a solid foundation in fundamental chemical principles. Topics include equilibrium, thermodynamics, kinetics, electrochemistry, chemistry of the main group elements and the chemistry of organic and biomolecules. The associated laboratory exercises emphasize proper experimental technique, data collection and analysis, safety and technical writing skills.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: CHEM 101 or CHEM 115 or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
CHEM-201 – Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 201 is an introductory course in organic chemistry including the structure and reactions of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives. The laboratory stresses the techniques of preparation, purification and identification of organic compounds.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 105 hours
- Prerequisites: CHEM 101, CHEM 102 or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
CHEM-202 – Organic Chemistry 2
CHEM 202 is a continuation of CHEM 201 involving the structure and reactions of the more complex aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic systems including an introduction to natural product chemistry and industrially important organic compounds. The laboratory stresses synthetic methods and some analytical procedures.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 105 hours
- Prerequisites: CHEM 201 or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
CHEM-215 – Introduction to Chemical Analysis
This course provides a solid background in the principles of analytical chemistry and their applications in fields such as environmental science. Topics include measurements and their errors, the use of statistics in data analysis and sampling, redox-, complexometric- and acid-base titrations, absorption and emission forms of atomic and molecular spectroscopy, electrochemical methods of analysis and separation techniques. The laboratory exercises emphasize proper experimental techniques, data collection and analysis, safety and technical writing skills.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: CHEM 102 or equivalent
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
ECON-101 – Microeconomics
This course deals with the economic principles that govern the individual segments of the economy. Topics include supply and demand, price elasticity, utility, cost of production, perfect and imperfect market structures, theory of production, the demand for factors, and the pricing of factors. Some current business situations are discussed.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum of 60% in either MATH 080, Foundations 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Essentials 11, Applications 11, Principles 11, Computer Science 11, Computer Science 12, Foundations of Math 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Statistics 12, Geometry 12, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ECON-102 – Macroeconomics
This course presents the economic principles that govern the behaviour of the nation’s economy. Topics include production possibility, supply and demand, national income analysis, money and banking, fiscal and monetary policy, and international trade. Current Canadian economic problems are discussed.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum of 60% in either MATH 080, Foundations 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Essentials 11, Applications 11, Principles 11, Computer Science 11, Computer Science 12, Foundations of Math 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Geometry 12, Statistics 12, Geometry 12, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ECON-250 – Environmental Economics
This course provides an introduction to the concepts and methods of analysis in environmental economics. It applies microeconomic principles to the examination of market failures and how they may be corrected either through incentives or policy. Topics include valuing the environment, cost-benefit analysis, environmental policy analysis, and specific Canadian environmental issues and policy.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: ECON 101 or permission of the instructor.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ENGL-100 – English Composition
English 100 focuses on composition strategies for writing across academic disciplines. Over the course of the term, students will develop an awareness of how rhetorical situations affect composition and refine their understanding of the fundamentals of essay writing (and clear communication more broadly), including paragraphing, thesis statements, essay structure, and citation methods. Students will also learn the fundamentals of critical thinking and analysis, persuasive writing techniques (including rhetorical appeals and modes), scholarly research, and academic reading.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? Blended, On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ENGL-101 – Introduction to Poetry and Drama
An introduction to the critical reading of literature through the study and analysis of poetry and drama across historical periods from Shakespeare to twenty-first century poets and dramatists. While this course will teach students how to perform college-level literary analysis of canonical texts, it will also teach them how to question and evaluate the cultural narratives that literature circulates. As such, the class will explore questions of gender, class, race, nationhood/nation building, and the problematic literary canon in order to develop strategies for negotiating complex literary texts and to become better, more nuanced readers.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent. Note: ENGL 100 is recommended for students who need to focus on composition skills.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ENGL-102 – Introduction to Prose Fiction
English 102 introduces students to the genre of literary fiction from the origins of the short story in early nineteenth century to the novels of twentieth and twenty-first century. The aim of ENGL 102 is to read fiction with an understanding of genre, technique and form; to apply various critical strategies to literary texts; and to develop analytical writing skills appropriate to essays at the university level. Ultimately, the course encourages students to consider how narrative forms can shape, challenge and respond to their moral, social, and political contexts.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent. Corequisites: ENGL 100 is recommended for students who need to focus on composition skills.
- Delivery Method: ? Blended, On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ENSC-101 – Introduction to Environmental Science
This course introduces students to scientific analysis and communication of environmental issues. Students will learn about natural systems and the complex interactions among their biological, physical, chemical and anthropogenic components. Students will consider Western and Indigenous perspectives, governance, and economic factors to critically evaluate and communicate environmental problems. Students will investigate how those issues affect various aspects of the ecosphere, including humans, and will use integrated knowledge and perspectives to explore sustainable solutions. Laboratory activities, field trips and guest lectures will offer the opportunity to study regional environments and local environmental issues.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English Studies 12, English First People 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
ENSC-208 – Independent Study in Environmental Science
This course is designed for focused, self-guided learning in the field of environmental science. Students will undertake a directed study project as designed in consultation with their instructor. Students gain a deeper understanding of a selected topic of research related to environmental issues from social, scientific, cultural, philosophical, and/or economic perspectives.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: Instructor permission required.
- Delivery Method: ? Directed Studies
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
ENST-200 – Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
This course examines the central concepts of environmental sustainability and considerations for development. Students are introduced to the complexity and debate of developing resource-based industries and minimizing impacts to ecosystems and communities. Planning and management strategies for various industries, as well as the role of various agencies and organizations, will be examined with specific examples.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
FA-101 – Contemporary Art: A History
This course provides an opportunity to study and interpret significant social, historical, political and philosophical themes of contemporary art as a cultural expression of society. Beginning with Western Art of the 13th century, we will study the influences leading to Modern and Contemporary Art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Students explore important developments through the intersection of art, science, technology and the new forms of visual culture that are shaping the contemporary art of today.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
FA-105 – Studio Foundations
The Studio Foundations course embodies fundamental hands-on experience with art materials and creative processes in drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking. Students are introduced to concepts and techniques for producing and presenting art through its different stages of planning, rendering and formal presentation.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 60 hours
- Prerequisites: None. FA 100 (previously or concurrently) is recommended.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
FNST-101 – First Nations Studies 1
This course is an introduction to the multi-disciplinary field of Indigenous studies. The prehistory, history, and traditional/contemporary cultures of Indigenous peoples in Canada and their various perspectives are addressed. Additionally, the historical overview of Indigenous/settler relations and their effects are explored.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
GEOG-101 – Introduction to Physical Geography
This course examines the concepts and processes of physical geography that govern the function of the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere using an earth-systems approach. Course lectures and lab topics introduce the sciences of cartography, meteorology, climatology, geomorphology, hydrology, biogeography, and soils. A focus on how human activities impact the environment, such as climate change and other real world issues will also be addressed.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
GEOG-210 – Geography of British Columbia
This course presents a regional geographic analysis of British Columbia and investigates the physical, cultural, economic, and historical characteristics of the various provincial regions. This course also examines patterns of settlement and development, with particular emphasis on industries of importance to the Columbia Basin region, including forestry, mining, and tourism.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
GEOG-211 – Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
This course will introduce concepts in geographical information science (GIS) and remote sensing. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an applied field encompassing the acquisition, storage, processing, analysis and presentation of spatial information. GIS has become an essential tool for spatially informed decision making in government, academic and private sectors. Course lectures will cover underlying theory, concepts and applications of GIS, remote sensing of the Earth’s surface, aerial photography, photogrammetry and visual image interpretation. Lab sessions will apply lecture theory through hands-on experience with industry standard GIS software (QGIS), aerial photography interpretation, and image assessment.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: GEOG 101 must be taken previously or concurrently. Earned at least 27 total credits.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
GEOG-230 – Meteorology, Climatology and Hydrology
This course will examine the basic principles and processes governing the Earth’s weather and climate, including the movement of water. In this course, students will analyze the linkages between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and land surface interactions responsible for creating the weather and climate that we experience each day. Specifically, students will examine fluxes of mass and energy exchanges, radiation, precipitation, winds, weather systems, fluvial hydrology, water balances, and global climates.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: GEOG-101
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
GEOG-251 – Quantitative Geography
This course will introduce methods for collecting, analyzing, and reporting geographic data to characterize biological, physical and human geographical processes. Course topics include gathering samples, describing data and theoretical distributions, testing significance, and exploring spatial relationships. Real-world examples from physical and human geography as well as other related subject areas in biology will provide a foundation for more advanced courses and applications. Lab activities are computer-based using statistical software and data collection will involve the use of student-collected and Internet-provided datasets.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: Completed or concurrently enrolled in at least 1 of the following: ENSC101, GEOG101, GEOL105, GEOL106
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
GEOL-105 – An Introduction to Geology
An introduction to the major principles of physical and historical geology covering the origin and structure of the Earth, plate tectonics, volcanism and other mountain building processes, the erosion of the Earth’s crust, and the formation and properties of minerals and rocks.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? Blended
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
HIST-201 – Pre-Confederation Canada
This course surveys Canada’s past to 1867. It looks at the original inhabitants, Indigenous Peoples; French settlers and English conquerors; colonial immigrants, labourers, businessmen, politicians, and women. These historical agents are studied through associated significant events, such as group contact/relations, expansion/settlement processes, military battles/rebellions, economic undertakings, and political evolutions. Major analytical categories of race/ethnicity, class, and gender as well as
concepts of historical consciousness help inform these examinations. From their study, students should come to better understand the time before Confederation and be more able to place Canada’s current context into perspective.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
HIST-202 – Post Confederation Canada (from 1867)
A historical survey of Canada, this course traces the country’s development from the immediate aftermath of Confederation to contemporary times. Over that period, significant actors and events, like the World Wars and the Depression, will be considered.
Greater attention, however, will be paid to changes and continuities arising from Canada’s territorial growth; consolidation under the national policy, including incorporating large numbers of immigrants into the country; cleavages in their various manifestations; imperialism-continentalism choices; industrialization/urbanization/reform movements; post-war international and social decisions; Sixties’ upheavals, and Indigenous marginalization.
All of these areas of study will help foster students’ interest in the importance of understanding this country’s past and allow them to acquire greater historical consciousness to critically question whether Canadians’ attempts to create a great nation were best for all.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: HIST 201 recommended
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
MATH-101 – Finite Mathematics 1
This course is intended for students who require an appreciation of higher mathematics, but don’t require calculus. MATH 101 stresses a logical and critical thinking approach while investigating the following topics: an introduction to matrices and to linear algebra; linear programming and the Simplex method; set theory, counting techniques and probability; and introduction to statistics; and Markov Processes.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Either a minimum grade of 65% in one of Foundations 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Applications 12, Principles 11, or MATH 080; or Foundations of Math 11 and 70% or higher in Foundations of Math 12; or Pre-Calculus 12; or Calculus 12; or minimum grade of 65% in both Statistics 12 and Computer Science 12.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
MATH-102 – Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Discrete mathematics plays an important role in logical thought and in computer science programming. This course provides an introduction to a variety of post-secondary mathematics which do not require calculus. MATH 102 is intended both for students who wish to see useful and real life applications of mathematics and for those needing to learn more about algorithms and problem solving in the context of computer science. Topics include: binary, octal, and hexadecimal number systems, formal logic, set theory and set algebra, Boolean algebra, introductory graph theory, algorithms and simple coding, and an introduction to formal mathematical proofs.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Either MATH 101, MATH 103, MATH 105, STAT 106, Pre-Calculus 12, Calculus 12, or equivalent; or minimum 65% in Foundations of Math 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Applications of Math 12, Principles of Math 11, MATH 080, or equivalent; or minimum 65% in both Statistics 12 and Computer Science 12; or any grade in Foundations of Math 11 and 70% or higher in Foundations of Math 12.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
MATH-103 – Differential Calculus
This course is intended for students who are pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree. Topics include: functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, their interpretation, differentiation rules, techniques of differentiation, implicit differentiation, inverse functions, exponential functions, logarithms, applications of differentiation such as linear approximations, Newton’s method, related rates, analysis of graphs, and optimization, and the Mean Value Theorem. Calculus is a necessary step in any career in the sciences including Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, Medicine, and Physics. It is also useful in any field which uses Statistics to analyze data.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 60 hours
- Prerequisites: Either a minimum of 65% in Math 090, Math 100, or Principles 12; or Pre-Calculus 11 AND Pre-Calculus 12 with a minimum of 65%; or Pre-Calculus 12 and a minimum of 75% in Calculus 12.
- Delivery Method: ? Blended
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
MATH-104 – Integral Calculus
Students work with polynomial, rational, logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric, inverse functions. They will learn integration techniques (substitution, parts, partial fractions, trigonometric substitution, numerical methods), applications of integration (volumes of revolution, work, I’Hôpital’s rule and improper integrals; sequences and series; convergence tests (divergence, integral, comparison, limit comparison, ratio, root, and alternating series tests), Power, Maclaurin and Taylor series, and differential equations. Calculus is a necessary step in any career in the sciences including Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, Medicine, and Physics. It is also useful in any
field which uses Statistics to analyze data.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 60 hours
- Prerequisites: MATH 103 or equivalent; or a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
PHIL-102 – An Introduction to Philosophic Inquiry 2
Philosophy 102 is designed to explore three primary subject areas of philosophy: the nature of reality (metaphysics), the study of knowledge (epistemology), and the question of God (the philosophy of religion). Resources include Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Materialism, Locke, Hume, Kant, and many more, both classical and contemporary. Some of the particular issues explored are: the question of transcendent reality, the mind-body problem, free will versus determinism, the role of mind and perception in knowing, the claims of skepticism, and the central arguments for and against the existence of God.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
PHYS-103 – Introduction to Physics 1
This course introduces the student to how calculus is used to build physical theory and to solve problems in kinematics, dynamics, momentum, and centre of mass calculations. In addition, the student is introduced to several conservation laws, in particular conservation of mechanical energy and linear and angular momentum.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: Either PHYS 090, Physics 12, or equivalent. MATH 103 is a required course, either taken prior or concurrently.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
PHYS-104 – Introduction to Physics 2
This course builds on PHYS 103. Electric fields and electric potentials are calculated from a variety of continuous distributions of electric charge using Coulomb’s Law and Gauss’ Law. The principles of electrostatic equilibrium and dynamic equilibrium in conductors are used to discuss capacitors and resistors, and to calculate the effective capacitance or resistance for circuits. Kirchhoff’s loop rules are used to analyze more sophisticated circuits. Magnetic fields are calculated from distributions of electric current using Ampère’s law; and the force from a magnetic field on a current carrying wire or moving charge is calculated. Electromotive force is calculated using Faraday’s law of induction, and is applied to generators, transformers and inductors. Maxwell’s equations are introduced and used to explain electromagnetic waves. Special relativity is introduced. Calculus is used throughout this course: including introductions to vector fields, line integrals, surface flux integrals, gradients, and differential equations.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: PHYS 103, MATH 104 is a required course, either taken prior or concurrently.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
PHYS-202 – Introduction to Modern Physics
Modern Physics covers Einstein’s theory of special relativity, elementary quantum mechanics, and processes in atomic, and nuclear physics.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 90 hours
- Prerequisites: PHYS 104, MATH 104, and MATH 201. Corequisites: MATH 203 and MATH 221. It is recommended that students enroll in MATH 202. These courses may be taken concurrently or sequentially.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
POLI-100 – Introduction to Politics and Government
This course assists students gain a foundational understanding of political science’s key concepts and practicalities. Among those considered are the fundamental nature of politics; power in all its guises; government systems; political beliefs, attitudes, and values; and various ideologies. From these bases, consideration is then given to constitution(s), executive(s), bureaucracy(ies), party(ies), interest group(s), election(s), and international relations. From their study and by working up case studies, students should become better informed politically and able to proceed to other political science courses.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
PSYC-101 – Introduction to Psychology 1
This course provides an introduction to the history, principles, and methods of psychology. Topics may include the brain and behaviour, sensation and perception, learning and memory, thinking and language, and states of consciousness.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
PSYC-102 – Introduction to Psychology 2
This course is a continuation of PSYC 101. Topics may include development across the lifespan, intelligence, motivation, emotion, stress and health, personality, psychological disorders, therapy, and social behavior.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 45 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent). PSYC 101 is recommended.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Course Outline
STAT-106 – Statistics
This course introduces the fundamental ideas of statistics and can be applied to any discipline. Topics include: collection, description, and presentation of data; calculating central tendency and dispersion; probability and statistical inference; hypothesis testing (means, proportions, variances, one and two samples); correlation and regression; decision making and sampling, Goodness of Fit Tests, and Contingency Tables.
- Minimum Credits: 3
- Length: 60 hours
- Prerequisites: A minimum of 60% in either Principles of Math 11, Foundations of Math 11, Applications of Math 11, Pre-Calculus Math 11, Statistics 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Calculus 12, MATH 080, or MATH 101; or a minimum grade of 65% in either Foundations of Math 12, Geometry 12, or Computer Science 12; or any grade in Foundations of Math 11 and 70% or higher in Foundations of Math 12; or a minimum grade of 60% in MATH 111.
- Delivery Method: ? On-campus, Online
- Cost: $365.28
- Lab Fees: $83.73
- Total: $449.01
- Course Outline
Admission Requirements
Academic Requirements:
- Secondary school graduation or equivalent.
- Minimum 65% in either English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent.
- Either a minimum of 65% in MATH 090, MATH 100 or Principles 12; or Pre-Calculus 11 and Pre-Calculus 12 with a minimum of 65%; or Pre-Calculus 12 and a minimum of 75% in Calculus 12.
- Basic computer skills
- Biology 11 or Life Sciences 11
Your Costs
Tuition and Fees for Domestic Students:
For the 2024/25 academic year (2024/SU, 2024/FA, 2025/WI, 2025/SP)
Tuition Year 1: | $3,652.80 |
Tuition Year 2: | $3,652.80 |
Application Fee: | $30.00 |
Student Association Fee: | $138.00 |
Bus Pass Fee: | $177.60 |
Lab Fee: | $418.65 |
Health and Dental Fee: | $480.00 |
Total | $8,549.85 |
*These prices are for domestic students and may not be 100% accurate. However, these estimates will give you an adequate idea of tuition and fees for our programs. These prices do not include textbook costs. All prices are subject to change. Tuition fees include an alumni fee, student activity fees, and a student technology fee. In certain cases a materials and supply fee may also be included. For more information, visit: Tuition and Fees.
Tuition and Fees for International Students:
For the 2024/25 academic year (2024/SU, 2024/FA, 2025/WI, 2025/SP)
Tuition Year 1 | $15,864.90 |
Tuition Year 2 | $15,864.90 |
Application Fee | $100.00 |
International Fee | $100.00 |
Student Association Fee | $138.00 |
Bus Pass Fee | $177.60 |
Lab Fee | $418.65 |
Health and Dental Fee | $480.00 | Insurance | $270.00 |
Total | $33,414.05 |
*These prices are for international students and may not be 100% accurate. However, these estimates will give you an adequate idea of tuition and fees for our programs. These prices do not include textbook costs. All prices are subject to change. Tuition fees include an alumni fee, student activity fees, and a student technology fee. In certain cases a materials and supply fee may also be included. For more information, visit: Tuition and Fees.
Career Info and Pathways
Environmental science students may work within a variety of industries in both private and governmental sectors. Most jobs in the field require at least a bachelor’s degree. Specific careers you can work toward include:
- Natural and Applied Sciences Policy Researcher, Consultant, Program Officer
- Geoscientist and Oceanographer
- Public and Environmental Health and Safety Professional
- Geological / Mineral Technologist / Technician
- Conservation and Fishery Officer
- Technical Occupation in Geomatics and Meteorology
- Land Surveyor
- Land Survey Technologist / Technician
- Meteorologist / Climatologist
Associate of Science (ASCES) Environmental Science Degree – Block Transfer Agreements
To Institution | Program | |
Columbia Southern University | Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Management – Appendix 2 | Transfer Agreement |
Royal Roads University | Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Practice Note: Individual assessment required. | Transfer Agreement |
Royal Roads University | Bachelor of Science – Environmental Management Note: Individual assessment required. Must include 6 credits of university level chemistry (CHEM-101, CHEM-102, CHEM-201, CHEM-202). | Transfer Agreement |
Royal Roads University | Bachelor of Science – Environmental Science Note: Individual assessment required. Must include 6 credits of university level chemistry (CHEM-101, CHEM-102, CHEM-201, CHEM-202). | Transfer Agreement |
Royal Roads University | Bachelor of Science in Environmental Practice Note: Individual assessment required. | Transfer Agreement |
University of Winnipeg | Course by course transfer | Transfer Agreement |
Program Details
Delivery Method:?
Blended, On-campus, Online
Associate Degree
Block Transfer Agreements with Other Institutions, Math & Sciences, University Studies
Complete a Degree, Not Have a Desk Job, Work Outdoors
Contact Details
2700 College Way,
Box 8500, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 5L7
Phone: 250-489-2751
Toll-free: 1-877-489-2687